Europe (Spain, Croatia, Greece, Portugal)
Europe Dive Locations

Lagos (Ocean Revival)
This is the first trip in 2020 and given Covid-19, we were quite lucky that the EU opened up borders for travelling. We took the chance to go to Portugal and try out some diving at the Algarve in Lagos. The so-called Ocean Revival is a place where they sank 4 navy ships on purpose in 2012/13 and they sit at 20-30m depth with a water temperature ranging from 14-22 degrees and semi-great visibility of 10-15m with lots of debris in the water. We did a double boat dive, here are some impressions.

As part of our annual tradition, we travelled to Mykonos for some quality beach time. Of course, we went diving - why wouldn't we use the chance to check out what Greece has to offer? This dive was all about the Anna II wreck and what a beauty it was. Anna II is a 62m long cargo ship that sunk in the South-East part of Mykonos on 20 July of 1995. The structure was still in good condition and visibility was great - all the ingredients for some great diving

On our mission to explore diving in Europe, this time we checked out diving around the island of Krk in Croatia. Only a 7h drive from Munich, you can see what the Mediterranean Sea has to offer. You can see beautiful soft and hard corals in yellow and purple colours. Obviously not to the same extent as in the Pacific, but still quite impressive. I was surprised by the number of things you can see, e.g., various, different nudibranchs, scorpionfish, conger eel and well-intact wrecks. The water temperature was about 24 degrees near the surface but then dropped to 16 degrees at around 24-30m. The visibility ranged in between 15-25m. Speaking of, the wreck Peltastis was another great dive. The ship sank in 1968 and is roughly 60m long; it starts at 16m (mast) and goes all the way down to 32m, where it sits upright on the ground. Check out our video for a glimpse of Peltastis 🙂

So it has been almost a year since we last dived the pristine waters of Fiji. This time our destination was Ibiza, one of the Balearic Islands in Spain. We expected this to be more of a training dive but we couldn't have been more wrong. This was a really nice dive with great visibility (25m) at Ibiza's shiny west coast with its steep cliffs. We saw plenty of small critters such as nudibranchs but also some rare fish life including an octopus, cuttlefish and some well-hidden scorpionfish. Of course, this dive site cannot keep up with places like Papua New Guinea or Indonesia, but hey this is good diving with great viz just a 2h flight away from Munich.