Uepi Island Resort

Webpage: http://www.uepi.com
Famous: : Coral Reef, Wrecks
Dive Type: Dive Shop + Boat Dive
Address: Australian Office of Uepi Island Resort, PO Box 149 Mt, Eliza Victoria 3930 Australia
Phone: +61 3 9787 7904
Email: info@uepi.com

OzDive Comment:
Uepi Island is located right at the edge of the Marovo lagoon, the largest salt water lagoon in the world. The resort is quite boutique and a well run family business with lovely bungalows right at the water (lagoon-side). The diving is simply stunning with beautiful corals and deep drop offs, ideal to see big fish and hammerheads – all accessible from the jetty. This is a diver’s paradise!
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